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Aging Wisely Vial of Life Archives - Aging Wisely

Vial of Life


The Vial of Life program enables emergency medical personnel to quickly obtain pertinent medical information when you are unable to communicate it. This information can be vital in saving your life.

You receive a small, standard plastic prescription bottle and corresponding forms and stickers. The sticker is placed on the door and the vial is placed in the refrigerator. The forms/information are kept inside the vial. This enables emergency personnel to quickly locate these items in a universal location. They can then see information such as current medications, diagnosis/conditions, and allergies, as well as your doctor’s contact information. This program is internationally recognized by emergency responders and has helped save lives. This program is particularly important for seniors living alone or individuals with serious health conditions. We recommend it for everyone!

You may also see the “File of Life” which is the same concept, but the information is stored in a magnetic pouch that can go on the refrigerator door.

You can obtain your Vial (or File) of Life through many local agencies, including fire and police departments and the American Red Cross. Your Aging Wisely care manager can help you obtain and set up your Vial/File of Life.

We also recommend you keep additional copies of your health information with any responsible parties or consider storing this information using an online system. See our reviews and information about Personal Health Records and Electronic Medical Records.

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