Easter has just passed and hurricane season is far from most Floridian’s minds. But, here at Aging Wisely and EasyLiving, we are gearing up for our seasonal preparations to help our clients, colleagues and community members minimize risk. Working with elders, we place special emphasis on careful, customized preparation. We recently attended the local Hurricanes in Healthcare conference to bolster our knowledge and resources. Today we will share some insight about the particular vulnerabilities of elders and tips for caregivers to address those concerns.
For personalized help preparing for Florida’s hurricane season, please contact us at 727-447-5845. You can check out our Hurricane Preparedness Package Flier here. You can also read more about the important process of individualized assessment for disaster planning.
There are many complications faced by seniors and their caregivers when a storm hits. The aftermath is particularly deadly for elders. Whether living at home alone, with caregivers or in a care facility, the disruption of normal care and support systems leave many vulnerable. Take for example this article in Clinical Geriatrics about the lesser known issue of pressure sores developing or worsening when care is disrupted by such disasters. Like this particular medical concern, many other issues can worsen when there is no power, lack of supplies and services, and normal care and routines are impacted by hurricanes, flooding, etc. It is most often these issues and the resulting health and safety issues in the aftermath of a storm that prove deadly for those in poor health.
Now is a great time to read up on these important issues and begin gathering resources and ideas. We suggest you start here (or give us a call to benefit directly from our expertise…we’ve already done the homework for you!):
Five Essential Questions for Senior Care in Disasters
Florida Division of Emergency Management
EasyLiving’s Guide to Hurricane Planning for Seniors and Caregivers
EasyLiving’s Hurricane Checklists and Key Contact Information
Caregivers, please don’t leave your research and preparation until the last minute. Find out about options and resources today and get organized for the season. Many of these same tips will help those who live in other areas of the country, who may be affected by tornadoes, flooding, severe winter weather and more.