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Careplan Educational Workshop | Aging Wisely

careplan meeting

Workshop: How to Develop a CarePlan to Ensure the Best Care for Your Loved One

Join us Tuesday, July 12, 2016 for a free educational workshop. Instructor Linda Chamberlain will help you understand how a careplan can ensure the best care for your aging parents/loved ones and clients. Linda Chamberlain, Board Certified Elder Law Attorney and Founder of Aging Wisely, LLC and EasyLiving, Inc., will share her expertise from working with thousands of families over the years. Come learn:

  • the important role a careplan plays in improving care delivery, quality of life and outcomes
  • how a careplan provides better guidance for those assisting with the care of your loved one (and how to communicate the information)
  • what goes into a careplan
  • how to develop a careplan
  • when to review the careplan and update it

Tuesday, July 12, 2016 

1pm to 2:30pm

EasyLiving Office: 1180 Ponce de Leon Blvd., #701

Clearwater, FL

Call 727-447-5845 to RSVP

Seating limited to 20 attendees.

Click here for  the flier for the care plan workshop.


Related posts:

The Aging Wisely Careplan

Benefits of a Geriatric Care Management Assessment

Getting the Best In-Home Care: The EasyLiving CarePlan


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