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Elder Advocacy Workshop

elder advocacy

Join Board Certified Elder Law Attorney Linda Chamberlain for this free workshop to learn insider’s tips on advocating for your loved one or client who is in a nursing home or assisted living facility.

Linda offers over 20 years of experience in social work, elder law and care management working with clients with disabilities and elderly clients. She has helped many families in all aspects of elder advocacy, including a great deal of time working with clients in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. She understands the inner workings of care facilities and can help you best navigate the rules, regulations, and processes, as well as understand various staff members’ and others’ roles in helping you and your loved one.

Elder Advocacy Workshop:

How to Be an Advocate for Your Loved One or Client in a Nursing Home

October 11, 2016

1:00-2:30 PM

EasyLiving Office, 1180 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 701, Clearwater


Call to reserve your seat TODAY. RSVP to 727-447-5845 or

Friends and clients are welcome. Questions are encouraged. Limited to the first 20 attendees. Download the October workshop flyer to print/share.





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