Over the last few weeks the image of my Dad on a ventilator has kept me awake at night. I’m still feeling very frustrated his Living Will was not available to prevent the insertion of a ventilator tube.
The Vial of Life program I discussed in my last blog post seems outdated when you think of all of the technological advances we have available. Many states have bracelets available you can wear to signify your desire of Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) and/or Comfort Measures Only (CMO). Some states allow for state registration of your completed DNR and CMO forms with electronic access made available to health care providers.
Fitbit, can you help? Storing your known allergies, diagnosis, current meds, and treatment desires (i.e. DNR, CMO) on a secured site with access available through your Fitbit would solve a multitude of issues. Fitbits are widely accepted and worn by all ages. You can purchase fashionable Fitbits as well as very plain Fitbits. Your Fitbit can be a bracelet or it can attach to a piece of your clothing. I imagine a necklace could easily be developed.
Lives could be saved by immediate access to known allergies or diseases. What many people do not realize is that the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) System used by their physician’s office, their specialist physician’s office, their dentist, and their local hospital do not work together, therefore each location has their own set of medical records. If you have been to the doctor or have had a hospitalization you quickly see how many times you need to share the same information. Not only is it irritating to have to repeat when you are not feeling well there is lots of opportunity for error.
We may be years from nationwide legal health care directives but having a method of universal access to your healthcare information would save many lives. From bee stings to diabetes emergency treatment access to medical information could save lives.
The use of a Fitbit as universal access to self-established legal documents and health care records could save lives as well as help individual’s ensure their end of life wishes are going to be followed. Plus all the current enjoyment of tracking your steps and staying healthy. Fitbit, can you help?
Update: I wrote to Fitbit Support and they expressed appreciation for my suggestion about Fitbit storing information such as known allergies, diseases and treatments. Stay tuned! I’ll let you know if anything develops from this as well as other possible technology solutions. Hopefully our experiences can help companies develop better solutions!