Thank you for the calls and cards with condolences over the loss of my Dad. While people often say, “I don’t know what to say,” it is very comforting to have folks reach out and let you know they are thinking of you and are sorry for your loss. A few words like “I’m thinking of you” make a big difference. Thank you again.
Memorial Day had a new meaning for me this year. Perhaps my exposure to the Czech Republic last year, coupled with a recent trip to Cuba emphasized the freedoms we have that I hope to never take for granted. I am so thankful for the many individuals that have sacrificed their lives for me to enjoy the life I lead today. Writing about it seems so glib in comparison to the individuals that gave up their families, life experiences, and the opportunity to grow old.
Visiting Cuba was a fascinating experience and I encourage you to take the opportunity to visit before the huge influx of Americans affects their culture and infrastructure. My trip was through Stetson University College of Law, organized by Mercy Roberg and Professor Joe Morrisey (kudos – it was a fabulous trip) and allowed us to meet with attorneys, Judges, and the Cuban Minister of Commerce. We enjoyed many delicious Cuban meals and of course, Cuban rum and cigars.
It was amazing to see the architecture, and specifically the effect of the Castro takeover in 1959 and then the fallout from the 1989 dissolution of Russia. For years, I have argued with my husband over the purchase of new code-required windows for our home. I could not imagine getting any enjoyment from the new windows, especially after seeing the price. As you can see from the pictures, there is much to be said about maintaining your home.
The fact I found overwhelming about Cuba is their number one export is “human capital,” over $1 Billion dollars per year. All education is free in Cuba and they import the use of their educated residents to countries willing to pay for the services, i.e., physicians and health care providers, engineers, and research scientists. The other astounding fact is only the state-owned farms have tractors, any privately owned farms must utilize a mule/horse and plow. No cattle can be owned by an individual; all cattle are required to be owned by the state. Hard to imagine!
Getting Organized Tip! has changed my life! Simply go to the website, enter your email address and it allows you to choose whether to keep an email in your Inbox, move to a once a day email from, or unsubscribe. Once an email is sent to you can preview it before you open it. It allows you to see all of those random emails you receive that may say something useful or have the item you were looking for on sale all in one email instead of going through the emails one by one. The difference in the distraction and volume of emails is a game changer.
Sign up Now for our workshop on June 7, 2016, 1pm – 2:30pm, “How to Choose the Best Assisted Living Facility or Nursing Home.”
Whether you are looking for a facility for yourself or a loved one this workshop will be helpful. Often folks ask me, “Linda, what is the best nursing home or assisted living facility in Pinellas County?” We are extremely fortunate in Pinellas County to have many “best choices.” This workshop will help you determine what may be best for you and all of the many things you need to consider in making the choice. Please email me: if we will see you there. Seating is limited to 20.
Downloadable/printable flier for workshop
I look forward to seeing you soon!