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Recommended Reading Related to Dementia - Aging Wisely


Friel McGowin, Diana. (1993). Living in the Labyrinth: A Personal Journey through the Maze of Alzheimer’s. Forest Knolls, CA: Elder Books.

Smith Henderson, Cary. (1998). Partial View: An Alzheimer’s Journal. Southern Methodist University Press.

Mace, Nancy and Rabins, Peter. (1999). The 36-Hour Day. NewYork: Warner Books.

Gosselin, Kim. (2001). Allie Learns about Alzheimer’s Disease. JayJo Books.

Robinson, A., B. Spencer, and L. White. (1998). Understanding Difficult Behaviors: Some Practical Suggestions for Coping with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders. Ypsilanti, MI: Geriatric Education Center of Michigan, Michigan State University.

Caring for an Alzheimer’s Patient: A Family Guide. American Health Assistance Foundation. 1994, revised 1998. This 34-page booklet discusses the issues involved in caring for an Alzheimer’s patient, including family involvement, tips for creating a safe home environment, and support groups and respite care options for caregivers of

Snyder, Lisa. Speaking our minds: What It’s Like to Have Alzheimer’s, Revised Addition. New York: W. H. Freeman, 2009. ISBN: 1932529500. Seven individuals of various ages and backgrounds express their thoughts and feelings about what it is like to have Alzheimer’s disease, to live with it day to day, and to cope with its impact on their lives.Alzheimer’s patients.

Taylor, Richard. Alzheimer’s from the Inside Out. Health Professions Pr; 1 edition (December 31, 2006). ISBN: 1932529233.The author, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease at age 58, shares his experience of living with the disease. Addresses the complex emotions surrounding issues such as the loss of independence, unwanted personality shifts, struggles to communicate, and more.

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