Throughout the year, we have posted articles about timely topics for caregivers and aging clients. We focus on topics that are in the news or those that come up frequently as we talk to families, or issues we see in our geriatric care management practice that most affect seniors. In reviewing our most popular content from 2011, here are the subjects and articles most often viewed by our readers, that might also interest you:
Medicare, Medicaid, and Financing Long Term Care/Caregiving Costs
Eldercare Costs: Dollars and Sense
Memory Problems with Aging, Alzheimer’s and Dementia
Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Sundowner’s, Old Age-What is it??
Ten Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease
Hospitalizations and the Elderly: Discharge Planning & Safe Transitions of Care
Problematic Transitions of Care: Concerns & Causes in Discharge Planning
Hospital Discharge Checklist for Families
Taking Control: What You Can Do to Ensure a Safe Discharge from the Hospital
Some other popular caregiving posts:
Assisted Living Options in Florida: Making Wise Choices
A Caregiver’s Story: Interview with the Author of Mothering Mother
If you would like to receive regular updates from us with caregiving articles and important eldercare news in the coming year, we invite you to sign up for our blog RSS feed or monthly email newsletter.
Contact us for help today with caregiving issues, financial programs to assist with care, and comprehensive geriatric care management assessments and advocacy.