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VA Benefits Workshop: Understanding Your VA Benefits

VA benefits: thank you veterans

FREE Seminar:

What exactly are VA benefits and what can I expect?

December 13th , 1:00-2:30 PM

Join Board Certified Elder Law Attorney, Linda Chamberlain, as she explains VA benefits, including the most common VA benefits received by our clients. She will share the types of VA benefits, the eligibility process, what to expect during the process and when you receive benefits, and important tips for identifying and getting your Veterans benefits. Linda and our team have helped thousand of Veterans, and she’s here to provide the inside scoop to make things easier for you. This workshop will help you understand and navigate your benefits. We thank all Veterans for their service and we appreciate the opportunity to help you with accessing the benefits you deserve!

Friends and clients welcome. Questions encouraged.

Call to reserve your seat  TODAY (seating limited to 20). RSVP to 727-447-5845 or

Download the VA Benefits Workshop flyer to print or share with someone you know who might benefit.

*Informational materials presented are not intended, and should not be taken, as legal advice on any particular set of facts or circumstances. You should contact an attorney for advice on specific legal problems.

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