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Aging Wisely September 2011 - Aging Wisely

Alzheimer’s Awareness, Tips and Advice


September is World Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. As eldercare professionals, we work with a lot of families facing the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia and we help families navigate everything from diagnosis to planning ahead, dealing with concerns such as wandering to healthcare and end of life needs. We have a number of resources for families regarding Alzheimer’s dementia, from fact sheets to specific topics such as paying for long-term care and handling driving concerns. In honor of this month dedicated to raising awareness, we wanted to create a quick reference to some of these resources for you:

Memory Loss: Old Age, Alzheimer’s, Dementia–What is it?? A handout explaining some of the terminology and an overview.

Recommended Reading on Dementia

10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s and What’s Normal?

Dealing with Sundowner’s Syndrom (or sundowning behavior)

A variety of resources for elders and caregivers including an Alzheimer’s quiz and fact sheet and general eldercare information.

We also offer a wide variety of posts in our blog about the range of topics facing families/caregivers. You can subscribe to our Aging Wisely blog for updates or review our old blog posts anytime. We also encourage you to sign up for our email newsletter for an easy monthly review of the latest news and topics.

If you or your loved one is experiencing memory loss, has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or is struggling with caregiving and eldercare options, contact us about our eldercare consultations.

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