Our team has been promoting Alzheimer’s Awareness throughout June (Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month). This past week we officially kicked off our journey to the Walk to End Alzheimer’s, during which we will continue our educational campaign and hold various events for fundraising and awareness. On October 25th our team will join colleagues, friends and families in the Pinellas County Walk to End Alzheimer’s Disease.
Please check out our schedule below and join us on Facebook for regular updates and ways to get involved.
For the five million Americans with dementia and their families, raising awareness and funding is so vital to getting them the help they need. For all of us, funding is essential to helping understand disease causes, find treatments, and hopefully discovering a cure so that we can see all see the realization of the Alzheimer’s Association’s vision of a world without Alzheimer’s.
If you are struggling with dementia or want to learn more, here are some helpful Alzheimer’s and dementia care resources:
Alzheimer’s Association TrialMatch® is a free, easy-to-use clinical studies matching service that connects individuals with Alzheimer’s, caregivers, healthy volunteers and physicians with current studies.
Alzheimer’s and Dementia Caregiver Center
ALZConnected: community and message boards run by the Alzheimer’s Association
Aging Wisely’s Care Management Support for Alzheimer’s and Dementia (with links to resources)
Recommended Reading Related to Dementia
EasyLiving’s Alzheimer’s Specialty Care in Pinellas and Pasco Counties
Contact our senior care team at 727-447-5845 if you need help today, have questions or simply want to find out how to participate in our Alzheimer’s awareness and fundraising campaign.