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Clearwater Alzheimer's Education Event: June 2015

Alzheimer's educational event in Clearwater

Aging Wisely’s Linda Chamberlain recently spoke at an Alzheimer’s education event in Clearwater, combined with a movie screening of Still Alice. There was a full house for the event, with over 50 people attending. Many attendees were caregivers of someone with Alzheimer’s, wishing to get a broad range of Alzheimer’s education and resources.

Alzheimer’s Education Speakers:

Dr. Diana Pollack, Director of the Memory Disorders Clinic (Madonna Ptak Center for Alzheimer’s and Memory Loss)

Dr. Pollack at Clearwater Alzheimer's Education Seminar

Dr. Pollock informed the audience about Alzheimer’s Apo E testing and the different types of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. She advised those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s (and those who want to keep their brains active as they age) to follow a Mediterranean Diet, exercise and keep weight down.

To get the full benefit of Alzheimer’s treatments, early diagnosis is important and allows time for proper Alzheimer’s education for the patient and family. Dr. Pollock offers customized anti-aging and dementia-prevention programs. These are based on lifestyle, diet and supplements, bio-identical hormones (in selected cases), as well as optimization of brain function through neurofeedback.

Linda Chamberlain, Board Certified Florida Elder Law Attorney and Founder of Aging Wisely and EasyLiving

Linda Chamberlain speaking at Alzheimer's Education seminar for caregivers

Linda Chamberlain advised that if Alzheimer’s has been diagnosed it’s important to address legal and financial issues for the future. The person diagnosed should be involved as long as she or he is capable of participating. Talk about writing a living will and assigning a durable power of attorney for health care. These documents will ensure that the person’s wishes for medical care, are in writing.

It’s important for the family to stay connected and continue discussions with themselves and family members. Linda suggested that a care manager can offer valuable advice on how to approach the situation and options that work for the family’s needs. By properly assessing the situation and taking time to build a relationship with the diagnosed person and family, a care manager can best assist every involved.

Linda introduced the movie, and the author of the book it was based on, to the audience.

Still Alice is a movie based on the 2007 novel by the same name by Lisa Genova, about a woman diagnosed with Early-Onset Alzheimer’s disease. It is a touching portrayal of the disease and its effects on the individual and family. It stars Julianne Moore, Alec Baldwin and Kristen Stewart.

For help with Alzheimer’s education and resources, contact us at 727-447-5845.

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