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Aging Wisely September 2014 - Aging Wisely

Free Alzheimer’s Disease Class in Clearwater


florida alzheimer's resources

Why is it so important to learn more about Alzheimer’s disease?

Every 67 seconds someone in the U.S. develops Alzheimer’s disease.

An estimated 5.2 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease in 2014, including approximately 200,000 individuals younger than age 65 who have younger-onset Alzheimer’s. By 2050, the number of people age 65 and older with Alzheimer’s disease may nearly triple, from 5 million to as many as 16 million (barring breakthroughs to prevent, slow or cure the disease).

In 2013, 15.5 million family and friends provided 17.7 billion hours of unpaid care to those with Alzheimer’s and other dementias. With the projected rate of increase, this disease will have a rising, devastating toll on all parts of society.

Despite its prevalence, Alzheimer’s is feared and often misunderstood. People frequently misunderstand the terms dementia and Alzheimer’s and are not sure how to distinguish normal aging changes from signs of possible dementia. Elders may avoid getting screened due to fear, potentially missing out on treatment of reversible conditions. Even if you have worked with or cared for someone with Alzheimer’s disease, this is a great opportunity to learn something new (and we hope you’ll also join us in supporting the Pinellas County Walk to End Alzheimer’s on October 25th!).

Join us!

We welcome anyone with an interest in learning more to join us at our upcoming Alzheimer’s/dementia Educational Workshops. Our certified RN shares important facts and information about dementia and will also take time to answer your questions. This free workshop includes handouts and 2 CEUs for professionals as well!

RSVP online (you can also leave us your contact information if you cannot make these dates but would like to attend future events) or call 727-447-5845.

If you’d like to get started with some reading on Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias now, check out our Memory Loss Guide and helpful eldercare resources (recommended reading and topical links). Contact us at 727-447-5845 for help with Alzheimer’s resources, assistance with getting a diagnosis, and patient and caregiver advocacy. Our Senior Care Consultant will meet with your family free-of-charge to answer your questions and assess your needs.


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Celebrating Active Aging!


active aging

This week is Active Aging Week! Started in 2003 by the International Council on Active Aging (ICAA) this “is an annual event held the last full week of September (prior to October 1, International Day of Older Persons).” Throughout the week, host organizations provide a variety of free activities.

Aging Wisely gladly joins in this effort by sharing some of our favorite tips and resources to help you live a more active life as you age. For us this is an ongoing effort, both through our educational outreach and the direct work we do with professionals, clients and families to help promote aging wisely. Here and on our EasyLiving blog and Facebook communities we share aging wisely tips, inspirational stories and videos about active aging heroes, fitness, and health. Here are a few key tips and resources to get you started:

  • This week also happens to include the first day of fall, designated as fall prevention awareness day. Take time to “fall proof” your home to ensure it’s a safe environment as you age. We also recommend checking out the Aging in Place Technology blog for updates on how technology can help you age-in-place and stay healthy.
  • Set aside time each week for at least one mental and one physical exercise activity. Preferably, you should do both throughout the week, but make sure to schedule time for these activities in your life on a regular basis. Physical activity can be anything from a dedicated exercise program to a daily walk, gardening, or going dancing. Mental exercise means actively using your brain, versus passively watching TV for example. Read a book (maybe on a new topic or genre to challenge yourself or discover something new), solve some puzzles, do some research (actively searching or doing a project on the internet can be good for the brain!), interact with others, take a class, etc. EasyLiving has covered many great activity ideas for seniors over the years: check out Creative Activity Ideas for Seniors and Caregivers and our 2014 Summer Activity Ideas for Elders in Tampa Bay.
  • Communicate your desires for life as you age. Complete advance directives and carefully appoint someone to manage your healthcare and financial needs should you be unable. Talk to your loved ones about your desires and be open to their feedback and the reality. Understand your options (a care manager can help!) and potential costs (so you can prepare ahead, consider long-term care insurance, etc.).
  • Celebrate Active Aging Week with some fun activities! Check your local publications and try something new. Find out what your senior center or community center has to offer. Go outside and visit a new park or local site.

    Give us a call anytime at 727-447-5845 for help with active, healthy aging. We assist you with patient advocacy, caregiver support, and holistic assessments to ensure that age or health does not become a barrier to you living life to your fullest!



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    Aging Wisely by Being Prepared


    Getting older is inevitable. However, the way we age is greatly influenced by how well we practice prevention and preparation. In honor of National Preparedness Month, we’re reminding you that being prepared is about way more than just facing disastrous weather (but don’t forget to stop by the National Preparedness link and check out our hurricane prep. resources too!). Today, we offer you preparation tips and resources so you can age wisely. With a little investment of your time, you can be ready to face the changes and challenges of aging and caregiving.

    preparation for aging

    Get organized. Create a record-keeping system: organize key documents and create a medical file (key family history and your medical history of diagnoses, surgeries, medications, as well as current providers and status of treatment).

    Comprehensive Eldercare Checklist (preparing ahead and what to do at different stages of caregiving or needing help)

    The Document Locator List, mentioned in our checklist, lists key documents to get together and ensure are accessible to anyone who might be involved in your care (or dealing with your estate after death)

    Be legal. Know the key legal documents you need for healthcare decision making and estate planning and keep your documents/plan up-to-date.

    Advanced Care Planning and Legal Decision Making

    Talk about it. It’s all too rare that families talk about death or illness, which only makes an already emotional situation more difficult. Would your loved ones have any idea what you might want if something happens? Have you offered any direction about where/how you’d prefer to receive care or how you’d want (or not) your money spent?

    We’ve long been advocates for family eldercare planning, sharing tips for families to be better prepared for elder caregiving with NBC news and offering care consultations so that families can discuss concerns with an expert before a crisis.

    When facing a change or challenge, be comfortable with your options/information. In a crisis, everything is rushed. Sometimes you can slow down the process or get outside help to speed past your learning curve. Be an advocate for yourself or your loved one and ensure you’ve received the information you need and the time to make the decision.

    For example, we have written numerous articles about hospital readmissions, which sometime stem from gaps in the discharge planning process such as communication and follow-up care. We offer tips and discharge planning checklists for families, but most importantly, we urge you to be comfortable with the process or have an advocate by your side to assist.

    For help, call us at 727-447-5845. We have lots of resources to help you prepare, so browse our site and follow our blog for the best of Aging Wisely.

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    2015 Medicare Open Enrollment: What You Need to Know


    Medicare prescription drug coverage

    2015 Medicare Part D open enrollment is available from October 15, 2014-December 7, 2014 for current Medicare beneficiaries.

    Why should everyone review their Medicare drug plan during open enrollment?

    A Florida study done a couple years ago found the great majority of their sample were not in the best (most affordable) plan for them. A plan switch can sometimes save the client thousands of dollars over the year. Sometimes your current plan is still the best, but you won’t know without comparing. And, if your plan made changes or you had medical changes, another plan may be much better for you next year.

    What information do you need to compare Medicare drug plans?

    1. Medicare # and effective date for Part A (see Medicare card)
    2. List of current medications (with dosages/frequency)
    3. Preferred pharmacy(ies), if applicable

    Additionally, you may want to be prepared with some information on how Medicare works and your options for receiving coverage. If you plan to stick with traditional Medicare and simple review your drug plan choices, that will be pretty straightforward. But, if you are on a Medicare Advantage Plan and want to consider switching back to traditional Medicare (or vice versa), or have other coverage (VA, retiree health insurance, etc.) and may be making changes, you should have a basic understanding of the pros and cons with different options, costs, etc. (or enlist help from one of our patient advocates). The Medicare website offers a good overview and the Center for Medicare Advocacy also provides a range of educational materials.

    Medicare Part D #s for 2015

    The standard Part D deductible and out-of-pocket limit will increase in 2015, while donut hole (gap) coverage will increase. Looking ahead to 2015, here are some of the changes in the standard benefit as set by CMS (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services):

    • Initial Deductible:
      will be increased by $10 to $320 in 2015
    • Initial Coverage Limit:
      will increase from $2,850 in 2014 to $2,960 in 2015
    • Out-of-Pocket Threshold:
      will increase from $4,550 in 2014 to $4,700 in 2015
    • Coverage Gap (donut hole):
      begins once you reach your Medicare Part D plan’s initial coverage limit ($2,960 in 2015) and ends when you spend a total of $4,700 in 2015. In 2015, Part D enrollees will receive a 55% discount on the total cost of their brand-name drugs purchased while in the donut hole. The 50% discount paid by the brand-name drug manufacturer will still apply to getting out of the donut hole, however the additional 5% paid by your Medicare Part D plan will not count. Enrollees will pay a maximum of 65% co-pay on generic drugs purchased while in the coverage gap.

     Contact Aging Wisely’s patient advocacy team to learn more about how we can help with your Medicare choices!

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    Alzheimer’s Disease Education and Awareness


    Alzheimer's disease education

    In our ongoing efforts to promote Alzheimer’s awareness and provide education to clients, family, friends and professionals, we’re offering two free Alzheimer’s classes. Check out the flier here Alzheimers_Class_Sept-Nov_2014_Clients and RSVP soon to reserve your seat.


    September 12th 10:00-12:00

    November 14th 10:00-12:00


    1180 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 701, Clearwater, FL


    Educational workshop with state-certified Alzheimer’s trainer, Marilyn Fratello, RN. Information from an experienced nurse who has also had personal experience with the disease in her family, Q&A opportunities and free handouts. Two CEU credits for professionals.

    Contact us at 727-447-5845 to reserve your space at the Alzheimer’s workshop.


    For more Alzheimer’s information, check out:

    Guide to Memory Loss and Aging (terms defined)

    Aging Wisely’s Dementia-Related Recommended Reading

    The Alzheimer’s Association

    We offer a free needs analysis if you have concerns about memory loss. We can link you with our expert care managers for an assessment, resources and a wide array of assistance.

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