“Featured In” ~ Press Releases ~Speaker Availability/Corporate Wellness Programs ~ Community Involvement
Aging Wisely has been featured in numerous publications and provides articles on subjects related to eldercare, disability and special needs concerns, Medicare and Medicaid, caregiving, and healthcare. To request information, an interview or an article submission, contact Shannon Martin, Director of Communications or call us at 727-447-5845.
Featured in:
Forbes, “Prepare for Elder Care”
Forbes, “Sandwich Generation Survival Skills”
The Maddux Report, March 2008, “Hands on Help”
Florida Banker Magazine, “Building a Team to Successfully Serve Your Aging Clients”
“Issues of Client Competency”
Trust Talk (FL Bankers Association newsletter), “Warning Sign for Elder Clients”
“Should Your Elderly Client be on the road?”
Tampa Bay Business Journal, “Caring for the aging population”
St. Petersburg Times, July 2004, “Help for Families of Dangerous Drivers”
970 WFLA, AM Tampa Bay with Jack Harris, Tedd Webb and Sharon Taylor, “Elderly Driver Concerns”
Quoted in: St. Petersburg Times, Seniority, 2005, “Hurricane Planning” by Sheila Reed
St. Petersburg Times, 11/25/05, “Elder Care Challenge: Who Will Handle the Financial Books?” by Helen Huntley
Clearwater Bar’s Res Ipsa Loquiter
Featured expert articles on topics such as Medicare, Disaster Preparedness and Eldercare Issues
St. Petersburg Bar Journal
Featured expert articles on eldercare issues and Medicare
City of Clearwater’s Aging Well Connections, “When Children Need Help Handling the Care of an Elderly Parent–What’s a Family to do?”
Press Releases
Aging Wisely Hiring to Support its Growing Care Management Team
Senior Driving Safety Course in Clearwater, Florida Presented by Local Eldercare Services Firms: Aging Wisely, Platinum Sponsor
Aging Wisely Nomination-Best of Web 2012 Awards-Best Senior Living Blogs
Aging Wisely Wins Patient Advocacy Award
Aging Wisely Moves to New Office: August 19, 2011
Aging Wisely April 2011 Care Manager Certifications
Julie Scott, Aging Wisely care manager, wins national healthcare award
New Medicare Assistance Available to Help Retirees
Speaker Availability/Corporate Wellness Programs:
Aging Wisely’s professionals are available to speak on a wide variety of topics including:
Eldercare for the Professional Serving Seniors
Making Your Business Senior Friendly: Sensitivity Training
Elder Care and You: Navigating the Care Giving Maze
Medicare A,B,Cs and Ds
Elder Exploitation
Fall Prevention
Resources for Caregivers
Alzheimer’s Disease/Dementia: A Practical Workshop on Dealing with Difficult Behaviors
Alzheimer’s Disease/Dementia Overview
Planning for Long-Term Care Needs
What is Geriatric Care Management?
Taking Control of Your Health Care
Aging in Place: Home Safety and In-Home Support Services
The Social and Emotional Issues of Retirement
Selecting an Assisted Living or Long-Term Care Facility
Aging Wisely offers corporate elder care programs, including lectures, information and one on one consultations, to enable your employees to better cope with caregiving and balance work and caregiving roles. Studies have shown increased productivity and reports of better health in workers that participated in corporate sponsored geriatric care management programs (February 2008, study conducted by National Alliance for Caregiving and Center for Productive Aging, Towson University).
Community Involvement
Aging Wisely believes in giving back to the community we serve. Employees take an active role in many community organizations and Aging Wisely is proud to sponsor and contribute to local charities and events. Some of the organizations we have supported through both monetary contributions and time and talent include:
Aging and Disability Resource Center Advisory Committee (Area Agency on Aging of Pinellas/Pasco, Inc.) (www.agingcarefl.org/)
Alzheimer’s Association, Florida Gulf Coast Chapter
Dunedin Committee on Aging
Florida Geriatric Care Managers Association and National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers Association (Employees involved in Leadership, Public Policy committee, PR committee, Chapter President’s Committee, Conference Committee and Editorial Board for national magazine)
Clearwater Free Clinic, Sponsor of Martinis and Matisse
Pinellas County Falls Prevention Coalition, cofounder
Leadership Pinellas
Morton Plant Mease Hospitals/Foundation
Better Living for Seniors of Pinellas
Elves for Elders, Hillsborough & Pinellas counties
Pinellas County Estate Planning Council
Tampa Bay Financial Planners Association
Stetson College of Law’s Special Needs Trust Program
Clearwater Bar Association
St. Petersburg Bar Association
The Florida Bar
Florida Banker’s Trust School
All Children’s Hospital Evening Guild
Aging Wisely sponsoring the St. Pete and Clearwater Bar joint Bench and Bar meeting
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