Now offering Nationwide Care Consultations
We know many families are concerned about older family members’ wellbeing. In today’s economic climate, finding cost effective options is key. We offer the ideal solution for families through our consultation appointments.
Consultations can address concerns such as:
- Choosing the right assisted living or nursing home (and how to make the transition);
- What to do when Mom or Dad is resistant to care;
- Help understanding what it means when the doctor says Mom should not be alone;
- Advice on what to do when diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or concerned about memory issues;
- What is available to help after surgery, a fall, or other hospitalization;
- Mediating with family members over disagreements about what is best for parents;
- What to do when you are concerned your parent shouldn’t be driving;
- Your frustrations as a caregiver and support options;
- Insurance issues-understanding Medicare, Medicaid, long term care and other insurance benefits (including pre-retirement consultation to plan for your transition).
- Help planning for disabled children or young adults.Call us today to make an appointment for a consultation:
727-447-5845 or fill out our eldercare help form
Consultations can be done in our office or via telephone. Immediate appointments available to accommodate crises or time sensitive concerns.