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Aging Wisely February 2009 - Aging Wisely

Now offering Nationwide Care Consultations


We know many families are concerned about older family members’ wellbeing. In today’s economic climate, finding cost effective options is key. We offer the ideal solution for families through our consultation appointments.

Consultations can address concerns such as:

  • Choosing the right assisted living or nursing home (and how to make the transition);
  • What to do when Mom or Dad is resistant to care;
  • Help understanding what it means when the doctor says Mom should not be alone;
  • Advice on what to do when diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or concerned about memory issues;
  • What is available to help after surgery, a fall, or other hospitalization;
  • Mediating with family members over disagreements about what is best for parents;
  • What to do when you are concerned your parent shouldn’t be driving;
  • Your frustrations as a caregiver and support options;
  • Insurance issues-understanding Medicare, Medicaid, long term care and other insurance benefits (including pre-retirement consultation to plan for your transition).
  • Help planning for disabled children or young adults.Call us today to make an appointment for a consultation:
    727-447-5845 or fill out our eldercare help form

    Consultations can be done in our office or via telephone. Immediate appointments available to accommodate crises or time sensitive concerns.
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Eldercare Consultations


It seems like more and more of us each day are struggling with caring for aging parents, and some of the concerns have changed nature due to increasing economic concerns. In response to this, we tweaked our services a little recently to help people get some immediate assistance and expertise in a way that was simple and affordable. By offering in office or telephonic consultation appointments for a fixed cost, caregivers can get advice, a toolkit and move forward feeling a lot more comfortable that they know where to begin (or how to keep going). Being able to do things via telephone and with the assistance of electronic communication, means being able to help caregivers anywhere.

Here’s some more info. and I also invite you to link to our website:

Now offering Nationwide Care Consultations

We know many families are concerned about older family members’ wellbeing. In today’s economic climate, finding cost effective options is key. We offer the ideal solution for families through our consultation appointments.

Consultations can address concerns such as:

Choosing the right assisted living or nursing home (and how to make the transition);

What to do when Mom or Dad is resistant to care;

Help understanding what it means when the doctor says Mom should not be alone;

Advice on what to do when diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or concerned about memory issues;

What is available to help after surgery, a fall, or other hospitalization;

Mediating with family members over disagreements about what is best for parents;

What to do when you are concerned your parent shouldn’t be driving;

Your frustrations as a caregiver and support options;

Insurance issues-understanding Medicare, Medicaid, long term care and other insurance benefits (including pre-retirement consultation to plan for your transition).

Help planning for disabled children or young adults.

Call us today to make an appointment for a consultation:

727-447-5845 or 813-249-6507 or toll free: 888-807-2551.

Consultations can be done in our office or via telephone. Immediate appointments available to accommodate crises or time sensitive concerns.

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Health Advocacy for Aging Parents-David Zoll’s article


David Zoll had a great article on Huffington Post yesterday regarding watching over aging parents and particularly worries about their “health literacy” and how to ensure their safety and wellbeing from afar in navigating their medical needs. This is a great policy and research overview as well as expression of views and opinions. Having been in the trenches of professional care management, I have seen the difference this profession makes, as he mentions. More wide use of care management and better access could provide not only great peace of mind for family caregivers, but eliminate a great deal of unnecessary costs to families, employers, the healthcare system and society in general:

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Senior Home Safety and Fall Prevention


No matter our age, extra clutter, throw rugs and other environmental hazards can lead to accidents. As we get older, though, the results of the accidents are often much worse. Falls are the #1 reason for emergency calls in Pinellas County. Falls are amongst the top reasons that seniors move to nursing homes and are the leading cause of injury death in the elderly.

One day, we might all live in “aging friendly” homes but right now our homes tend to be hazardous to our good senior health. Just think of all the reaching, climbing and stepping over things you might do in a typical day. Throw rugs, slippery surfaces, obstacles and poor lighting are common environmental causes of falls, and all easily remedied. Take the time to “inspect” the home for potential hazards or get assistance looking at how to make the home safer.

Download Aging Wisely’s free “Aging in Place Tips” for some ideas on home safety. Our geriatric care managers can provide a home safety assessment for you in the Tampa Bay/Pinellas County, Florida area. We look at all aspects of the physical environment as well as comprehensive safety and health recommendations. Low cost and no cost changes can go a big way to keeping you safe and independent at home.

Aging Wisely is a founding member of the Pinellas County Falls Prevention Coalition. We believe in taking proactive steps for healthy aging and supporting our community’s elders in doing so!

Contact Us to set up a Home Safety Evaluation

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Health Advocacy


Today I enjoyed meeting with a local AARP chapter and providing some information about geriatric care management. Once again, I was not surprised that only one person raised her hand when I asked if anyone had ever heard of geriatric care management. I make it my mission to try to get more hands raised when that question is asked, so people at least know it is an option. With so many people caregiving, we all need to know the resources.

The group had good questions and many of the same concerns I hear often. We especially talked a lot about issues like knowing you have picked a good doctor and concerns about care quality. One gentleman expressed his concern about being admitted to a hospital on a weekend due to perceived care issues. There is some empirical evidence to back him up, so his worry is not without merit, though a lot of hospitals have worked hard on this issue. It is a good issue to focus on, though–getting linked with the best professionals and best quality of care make a big difference. We talked a lot about the need to be your own advocate (and do your research/homework) or have one with you when you are ill (or even facing a diagnosis, surgery, etc.). I’m a big proponent of that and have seen where a professional advocate can make a big difference as a family faces the emotions involved. Families often tell me “I wouldn’t have a clue how to review the medical chart or what questions to ask.” and those things can make a big difference. Good to keep in mind.

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Payment Concerns
Not sure how you are going to pay for elder care?

Is the Time Right?
Find out if its time to seek help for your loved one.

Aging in Place
How to keep a loved one safe at home, and when it may be time to consider assisted living.

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Mission Statement

Our goal is to enable every individual we work with to live the most fulfilling life possible, with utmost dignity, focusing on their physical, mental, spiritual, family and financial wellbeing.